When to Turn Heating On (& How to Keep it Off for Longer)

By Chris Heaton
Date 19/09/2023
when to turn heating on (& how to keep it off for longer)

As the days become shorter and the air gets chillier, the age-old subject of when to turn heating on becomes a topic of discussion in most homes. With energy bills at an all-time high, many people can be hesitant to take the thermostat out of hibernation. So, how do you know when to turn your heating on?

This post will have a look at the different factors to consider and how to decide on the ideal time for the annual switch-on.

When to turn heating on – key factors

The majority of people tend to switch on their heating systems in late autumn or early winter – with September and October the usual candidates. This decision is typically prompted by cooler daytime temperatures and chilly nights. Here are the key factors to consider:

Outdoor temperatures

If outdoor temperatures drop to an uncomfortable level, you are more likely to switch on your heating, regardless of the time of year. Some individuals are more tolerant of cooler temperatures and might delay using the heating system, while others prioritise a warmer indoor environment and may turn it on sooner.

Health considerations

Babies, the elderly, or individuals with certain medical conditions might need a warmer indoor environment to make sure they’re comfortable and stay healthy. It’s recommended that babies are kept in rooms between 16-20°C when sleeping, for example, while the NHS recommends keeping homes to at least 18°C if you have mobility issues.

Energy- efficiency

Older heating systems may be less efficient and cost more to operate. People with older systems might be less inclined to use them, though that could lead to discomfort or even health issues. If possible, you could consider upgrading to a more energy-efficient system, as this can lead to long-term cost savings.

How to keep your heating off for longer

Alternative heating methods

Using alternative heating methods are a good way to delay turning on your heating. By heating yourself or a specific room, you could save a good amount on energy without putting your home at risk of damp or mould. Options include space heaters, wood burners and heated blankets.

When to turn heating on in the day

If you have a programmable thermostat, take advantage of its features. Set a heating schedule that works with your daily routine, allowing for lower temperatures when you're away or asleep and higher temperatures when you're home and awake.

Stop the draughts

Check for any gaps or draughts around windows and doors then seal them. Weatherstripping, draught excluders and silicone sealant can all help keep cold air out and warm air in.

Improve your insulation

Before you rush to turn on your heating, consider better insulation. It can be your secret weapon in delaying the onset of the heating season. SprayCork can reduce your heating bills by 15% by making it harder for heat to pass through your walls.

It’s available as an internal coating or external render, providing year-round benefits for your property.

Want to find out more? Contact the team at CorkSol today and we can refer you to an approved applicator near you. Email [email protected]  or call 01484 442420 to get started.

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