

The marker of quality and service for our Independent Applicator Network.
happy builder

At CorkSol, we are obsessed with the delivery of excellent customer service and the wide availability of SprayCork as a unique, sustainable coating material that is like nothing else on the market. We believe that customers deserve to have a choice to consider for those important home improvement decisions. QualiCork is our marker of quality and service.

All applicators of SprayCork are independent from CorkSol and we only list them on our website if they are members of our QualiCork scheme. Being a member of the Scheme is completely free, but it means that independent applicators commit to the adherence of strict criteria based around quality and customer service. Independent applicators only remain members of QualiCork if they regularly evidence their ongoing commitment to these standards.
QualiCork recognises two ways for independent applicators to become members of the Scheme; Accredited or Master. Whichever part of the Scheme an applicator joins, you can be assured that every single one of them is already approved by us to supply and apply SprayCork. This is because no applicator can join QualiCork unless they are already an experienced trades professional and have already completed our rigorous SprayCork training. No one can supply or apply SprayCork unless they are approved by us to do so.
Accredited Applicators have met CorkSol UK’s rigorous qualifying criteria. This includes committing to high standards of customer satisfaction and means that they:
  • Are certified by CorkSol UK as an approved applicator of SprayCork after completing intense training at our in-house Academy.
  • Provide customers with a 12-month installation guarantee - in addition to CorkSol’s 25-year product warranty.
  • Ensure that they place customer satisfaction right at the heart of their work.  At all times we expect applicators to interact professionally and efficiently with customers, and this includes obtaining feedback after the completion of each project and providing that feedback back to us.
Master Applicators are already Accredited but have then chosen to take some additional steps to progress their business to an advanced level by committing to the active development of SprayCork in the UK. In doing so, they:
  • Commit to the wider development of SprayCork so that we all benefit from the even greater positive environmental impact of a burgeoning SprayCork community.
  • Follow a programme of ongoing self-development related to SprayCork.
  • Are advocates for, and active social media promoters of, the benefits of SprayCork.

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CorkSol UK is the exclusive supplier of SprayCork to the UK and trains trades professionals in the application of this unique product. Customers who engage an independent applicator to carry out their project are not entering into any contractual arrangements with CorkSol UK.
At CorkSol UK, we will remove any independent applicator from our website if, for any reason, they fall below our strict standards. Click the button below to start your search.
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